Thursday, December 3, 2009

2 part time what?

2 Part Time everything!

I was talking to a good friend the other day, the conversation that sprung this new blog, where I realized that I live a 2 part time life. I have two part time jobs, two part time lovers, two part time hobbies, and it works perfectly for my life. Now I have two part time blogs! Ha!

In the act of realizing huge patterns within myself I am compelled to use this space to discuss my preparation for a journey, which will bring even more self-realization and practice to my existence.

One week ago I made a commitment to myself. I have decided that in one year I will leave this beautiful city of San Francisco for a 6-month bicycle journey through New Zealand, thus continuing in my life dream to bicycle around the world. In the passing week I have felt the fire under my bum to cross those things off my to-do list, to do those things for myself I have been wanting to for years, a new vigor of life! I am excited for a year to dedicate to physically, mentally and emotionally preparing myself for a huge journey, and using that motivation to take full advantage of my present existence!

So on this blog I will document what I am doing to help myself get to where I want to be, and of course how I am being exactly where I am! The flavors of life.

Here is my life for today:

I am being where I am by:
Enjoying a calm morning of resting
Being grateful
Working on this blog

I am going where I wanna be by:
Eating a healthy breakfast
Taking a break from writing this list to stretch
Mailing in my insurance info

Things I am doing today in general:
Going to the bicycle lane press conference
Having a meeting about bike to school day
Riding a lot and with cool kids
Having a multitude of social stuff this evening
Enjoying Mason Jennings